Auswahl VAK Titel der Veranstaltung Dozent/In
Oxidative Stress in Marine Systems (Lecture and laboratory class for introduction of methods) [D; M.Sc.]
8 German and 8 Italian students.
The course will be held at Helgoland Station. (ECTS: 3)
V 2 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 02.03.08 - 07.03.08 von 09:00 - 18:00
P 2 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 02.03.08 - 07.03.08 von 09:00 - 18:00
Abele, Doris (PD) Köhler, Angela mit Philipp, Eva mit Regoli, Francesco
Marine Algae and the Associated Animals I [D; M.Sc.]
The course will be held at Helgoland Station in cooperation with University Oldenburg.
Make an appointment with this adress until 22.10.2007: (ECTS: 3)
EX 8 SWS vom 01.04.08 - 11.04.08 n. V.
P 8 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 01.04.08 - 11.04.08
Wiencke, Christian mit Bartsch, Inka Gutow, Lars Molis, Markus
Analytical Methods in Marine Biology - Protein Biochemistry [D; M.Sc.]
The course will be held at Helgoland Station at the end of the winter term.
V 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 11.02.08 - 22.02.08
S 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 11.02.07 - 22.02.08
P 4 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 11.02.08 - 22.02.08
Saborowski, Reinhard Günther (LB) Meyer, Bettina (LB)
Global Change and Marine Systems [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 2 SWS n. V.
Ittekkot, Venugopalan
Biochemistry of Tropical Marine Systems [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 2 SWS n. V.
Ittekkot, Venugopalan
Marine Chemical Ecology [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 0,5 SWS Blockveranstaltung Dienstags, vom 19.02.08 - 26.02.08 von 10:00 - 11:30
The course will be held at the Alfred-Wegener Institute Bremerhaven.
S 0,5 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 19.02.08 - 22.02.08 von 11:30 - 13:00
The course will be held at the Alfred-Wegener Institute Bremerhaven.
P 2 SWS Blockveranstaltung Dienstags, vom 26.02.08 - 04.03.08 von 13:00 - 17:00
The course will be held at the Alfred-Wegener Institute Bremerhaven.
Cembella, Allan mit John, Uwe (PD)
Ecophysiology and molecular biology of marine animals: Temperature and CO² as modulating factors [D; M.Sc.]
The course will be held at the AWI at the end of the winter term (ECTS: 3)
S 2 SWS n. V.
P 6 SWS n. V.
Pörtner, Hans-Otto mit Bock, Christian Lucassen, Magnus Sartoris, Franz-Josef