VAK | Titel der Veranstaltung | Dozent/In | Info |
02-M21-2-600 |
Mathematical Models of Biological Systems [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 2 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 17.10.11 - 21.10.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
S 2 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 17.10.11 - 21.10.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter Alfred
02-M21-2-601 |
Ecologial Statistics with R [M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 14.06.11 - 17.06.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
S 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 14.06.11 - 17.06.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
De'ath, Glenn
02-M21-2-603 |
Molecular Microbial Ecology [D; M.Sc.]
The Excursion will be held from 29.08.-02-09.2011 at the BAH Helgoland. Please register as soon as possible with Dr. Fuchs. (ECTS: 4)
V 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 29.08.11 - 16.09.11 von 10:00 - 16:00 MPI Hörsaal (EG)
EX 6 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 29.08.11 - 16.09.11 von 10:00 - 16:00 MPI Seminarraum
P 6 SWS vom 29.08.11 - 16.09.11 n. V. MPI Labor
Amann, Rudolf mit Fuchs, Bernhard Gerdts, Gunnar
02-M21-2-604 |
Biodiversity and Ecology of Coral Reefs [M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
V 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 20.06.11 - 24.06.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
S 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 20.06.11 - 27.06.11 von 10:15 - 16:00 NW2 Seminarr.Bio (A2235)
Fabricius, Katharina
02-M21-2-605 |
EMBC Summer School in Galway, Ireland [M.Sc.]
Only for EMBC-Students!
(ECTS: 6)
S 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 11.07.11 - 22.07.11
P 5 SWS Blockveranstaltung Montags, vom 11.07.11 - 25.07.11
Auel, Holger PD
02-M21-2-606 |
Ecophysiology and Molecular Biology of Marine Animals: Temperature and CO2 as Modulating Factors [D; M.Sc.]
The course will be held at the AWI. (ECTS: 3)
S 2 SWS n. V.
P 6 SWS n. V.
Pörtner, Hans-Otto mit Bock, Christian Lucassen, Magnus Sartoris, Franz-Josef Knust, Rainer
02-M21-2-608 |
Phycological Field Trip (Macroalgae) to Brittany, France [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
EX 6 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 23.09.11 - 02.10.11
Please register with Dr. Valentin: Klaus.Valentin@ until end of May 2011.
Valentin, Klaus-Ulrich
02-M21-2-609 |
Marine Biology Field Trip: Coral Reef Ecology of the Red Sea [M.Sc.]
First Meeting: 14.04.2011 on Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT).
The seminar takes place every Thursday at the ZMT, seminar room. (ECTS: 3)
S 1 SWS Blockveranstaltung Donnerstags, vom 29.09.11 - 18.10.11 von 16:30 - 18:00
P 5 SWS Blockveranstaltung Donnerstags, vom 29.09.11 - 13.10.11
Wild, Christian
02-M21-2-614 |
Research Cruise with R/V Maria S. Merian: Pelagic Communities of the Benguela Current Upwelling System of South West Africa [D; M.Sc.]
(ECTS: 3)
EX 6 SWS Blockveranstaltung vom 02.10.11 - 13.10.11
Dates still tentative.
Auel, Holger PD Ekau, Werner Rixen, Tim